
Entity Definition

Logical Name : TimePunchCorrection
Physical Name : CO_CRTN_TPNCH

A record of TimePunchEntry being a correction of an earlier TimePunchEntry.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TimePunchEntryID (FK)(PK) A unique system-assigned identifier for this particular TimePunchEntry ID_ENR_TPNCH Identity integer WorkerTimePunchEntry(DO_TPNCH_WKR)
CorrectionTimePunchEntryID (FK)(PK) A unique system-assigned identifier for this particular TimePunchEntry ID_ENR_TPNCH_CRTN Identity integer WorkerTimePunchEntry(DO_TPNCH_WKR)
ReasonCode (FK) A unique retailer defined reason code for an action that is taken (or not taken) at a Workstation. e.g. Return reason codes - Past Use By Date, Defective Merchandise, etc. POSNoSale reason Codes - Customer Change Query CD_RSN Code varchar(20) Reason(CO_CD_RSN)
CorrectionDateTime The date and time the Time Punch Correction was made. Not necessarily the time recorded on the correction WorkerTimePunchEntry. DC_CRTN AuditDateTime datetime


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
Reason classifies TimePunchCorrection
WorkerTimePunchEntry is correction TimePunchCorrection
WorkerTimePunchEntry is original TimePunchCorrection

Logical Views containing TimePunchCorrection

Logical View
Logical 02200 - Transaction Macro View
Logical 11150 - Worker - Time Punch View